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Rich Anthony

Laboratory Engineer Intermediate

Office: 4105 ERB 1
Email: richjant@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 763-4875

Franko Bayer

Franko Bayer

Project Senior Manager

Office: 6104 ERB 1
Email: fbayer@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 763-6894

Mr. Bayer has over 20 years of strategic and operational Management experience within the industry, where his experience focused on Program and Project Management for large scale OEM manufacturing. His area of expertise are complex Material Flow and Operations Engineering (facility launch and readiness) in combination with financial forecasting and cost management (strategic and operational).  His current interests are the launch and management of mid- and large-scale scientific user laboratories in the area of plasma physics and optical sciences.

Amy Brooks

Amy Brooks

Research Administration Senior Manager

Office: 6106 ERB 1
Email: brooksab@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 936-2957

Galina Kalinchenko

Galina Kalinchenko, PhD

Lead Research Area Specialist

ZEUS Speciality Area: Laser engineering

Office: 2022 Gerstacker
Email: kalina@umich.edu
Phone: (734)763-4875

After receiving her PhD in laser physics from Rostov State University Dr. Kalinchenko worked as Assistant and Associate Professor in Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics and South Russian State Polytechnic University. Since 2002, Dr. Kalinchenko has worked at the University of Michigan, COE EECS – ECEDivision as an Assistant Research Scientist and Laser Engineer. In 2014, she moved to ELI-Beamlines Prague and then returned to Michigan in 2019 to join the ZEUS project.

Sallee Klein

Sallee Klein

Senior Engineer

ZEUS Speciality Area: Target fabrication

Office: Gerstacker
Email: salleer@umich.edu
Phone: (619) 729-1366

Monica Mashkevich

Laboratory Technician

Office: 2006 Gerstacker
Email: mmashkev@umich.edu

Gaylene Opal-Deitering

Administration Assistant Sr.

Office: 6113 ERB 1
Email: gaylene@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 763-4875

Elizabeth Oxford

Elizabeth Oxford

Outreach & Engagement Coordinator

ZEUS Speciality Area: Educational and Public Outreach, Communications and Media, Marketing, Web Design, and User Development

Office: 6111 ERB 1
Email: oxforda@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 647-3959

Gregg Sucha, PhD

Laboratory Engineer Senior

Office: 2006 Gerstacker
Email: greggsu@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 763-4875

Rick Van Camp, MS

Laboratory Engineer

Office: 2006 Gerstacker
Email: rvancamp@umich.edu
Phone: (734)763-4875

Rick Van Camp’s research has emphasized laser spectroscopy in physical chemistry and chemical physics in condensed and  gas phases. His recent experience includes transmission electron microscopy, time correlated single photon counting, transient absorption, and crossed molecular beam dynamics. Rick’s introduction to lasers began with the  Coherent 699-29 Autoscan single frequency laser coupled to the Drell & Chu amplifier pumped by a ns Nd:YAG possessing frequency side bands. As you might expect, obtaining results with this system was an arduous task at  best. During this period Rick was also fortunate to gain experience with the cavity dumped Coherent 702-2 in TCSPC experiments. A consistent responsibility throughout his career has been that of an instrumentation  specialist in addition to working with a variety of lasers.

Michael Wendt

Laboratory Technician

Office: 2006 Gerstacker
Email: mkwendt@umich.edu

Grant Young

Laboratory Engineer Senior

Office: 4105 ERB 1
Email: younggmy@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 763-4875

Qing Zhang

Qing Zhang, PhD

Data Scientist

Office: 2006 Gerstacker
Email: qzhangqz@umich.edu
Phone: (734)763-4875

Research areas: turbulent multiphase flow from nozzle injection, high spatiotemporal near-field speckle imaging, X-ray phase contrast imaging, high performance computing, laser system control

Research profile on Google Scholar.

Dr. Qing Zhang earned his doctorate degree in Power Machinery and Engineer at Tongji University, where he
studied fuel spray and combustion in automotive field. From 2018, Qing joined the Time Resolved Research Group located in the Advanced Photon Source Department at Argonne National Laboratory, starting as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and then continuing as an Assistant Mechanical Engineer. Dr. Zhang’s work focused on time-resolved experiments, image processing and high power computing. He studied turbulent multiphase flow and designed the latest generation of a high-efficiency, low-emission nozzle by utilizing high spatiotemporal x-ray imaging.

Qing recently joined the ZEUS project and CUOS group of University of Michigan. His focus will be on developing and updating the laser system control system and safety system, establishing a data management system and running high performance computing.