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Journal Publications


R. Babjak, L. Willingale, A. Arefiev, M. Vranic, “Direct Laser Acceleration in Underdense Plasmas with Multi-PW Lasers: A Path to High-Charge, GeV-Class Electron Bunches”, Physical Review Letters, 132, 125001 (2024). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.125001

S.V. Bulanov, G.M. Grittani, R. Shaisultanov, T.Z. Esirkepov, C.P. Ridgers, S.S. Bulanov, B.K. Russell, A.G.R. Thomas, “On the energy spectrum evolution of electrons undergoing radiation cooling”, Fundamental Plasma Physics, 9, 100036 (2024). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fpp.2024.100036

D. Li ,  K. G. Miller, J. R. Pierce, W. B. Mori, A. G. R. Thomas, and J. P. Palastro, “Spatiotemporal control of high-intensity laser pulses with a plasma lens” Physical Review research, 6, 013272 (2024). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.013272

Y. Ma, J. A. Cardarelli, P. T. Campbell, S. Fourmaux, R. Fitzgarrald, M. D. Balcazar, A. F. Antoine, N. F. Beier, Q. Qian, A. E. Hussein, B. Kettle, S. R. Klein, K. Krushelnick, Y. F. Li, S. P. D. Mangles, G. Sarri, D. Seipt, V. Senthilkumaran, M. J. V. Streeter,  L. Willingale, and A. G. R. Thomas, “Single-Shot Diagnosis of Electron Energy Evolution via Streaked Betatron X Rays in a Curved Laser Wakefield Accelerator”, Physical Review Letters, 132, 225001 (2024). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.225001

Brandon K. Russell, Stepan S. Bulanov, Qian Qian, Christopher Arran, Thomas G. Blackburn, Sergei V. Bulanov, Gabriele M. Grittani, Stuart P. D. Mangles, Christopher P. Ridgers, Daniel Seipt, and Alexander G. R. Thomas, “Measuring signatures in photon angular spectra to distinguish nonlinear Compton scattering models”, Physical Review A, 110, 062822 (2024). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.062822

Philipp Sikorski, Alec G R Thomas, Stepan S Bulanov, Matt Zepf and Daniel Seipt, “Novel signatures of radiation reaction in electron–laser sidescattering”, New Journal of Physics, 26, 063011 (2024). DOI 10.1088/1367-2630/ad4f

M. J. V. Streeter, C. Colgan,  J. Carderelli, Y. Ma, N. Cavanagh, E. E. Los, H. Ahmed, A. F. Antoine, T. Audet, M. D. Balcazar, L. Calvin, B. Kettle, S. P. D. Mangles, Z. Najmudin, P. P. Rajeev, D. R. Symes, A. G. R. Thomas, and G. Sarri, “Narrow bandwidth, low-emittance positron beams from a laser-wakefield accelerator”, Scientific Reports, 14, 6001 (2024). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-56281-1

Alec G. R. Thomas, and Stepan S. Bulanov, “Preface to Special Topic: Relativistic plasma in supercritical fields”, Physics of Plasmas, 31, 010402 (2024). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0192073

A. Di Piazza, L. Willingale, J. D. Zuegel, “Multi-Petawatt Physics Prioritization (MP3) Workshop Report” (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2211.13187

B. Loughran, M. J. V. Streeter, H. Ahmed, S. Astbury, M. Balcazar, M. Borghesi, N. Bourgeois, C. B. Curry, S. J. D. Dann, S. DiIorio, N. P. Dover, T. Dzelzainis, O. C. Ettlinger, M. Gauthier, L. Giuffrida, G. D. Glenn, S. H. Glenzer, J. S. Green, R. J. Gray, G. S. Hicks, C. Hyland, V. Istokskaia, M. King, D. Margarone, O. McCusker, P. McKenna, Z. Najmudin, C. Parisuaña, P. Parsons, C. Spindloe, D. R. Symes, A. G. R. Thomas, F. Treffert, N. Xu, C. A. J. Palmer, “Automated control and optimization of laser-driven ion acceleration”, High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 11, e35, (2023). doi:10.1017/hpl.2023.23

Brandon K. Russell, Paul T. Campbell, Qian Qian, Jason A. Cardarelli, Stepan S. Bulanov, Sergei V. Bulanov, Gabriele M. Grittani,  Daniel Seipt,  Louise Willingale, Alexander G. R. Thomas, “Ultrafast relativistic electron probing of extreme magnetic fields”, Physics of Plasmas, 30, 093105 (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0163392

Qian Qian, Daniel Seipt, Marija Vranic, Thomas E. Grismayer, Thomas G. Blackburn, Christopher P. Ridgers, Alexander G. R. Thomas, “Parametric study of the polarization dependence of nonlinear Breit–Wheeler pair creation process using two laser pulses”, Physics of Plasmas, 30, 103107 (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0165788

Derek B. Schaeffer, Archie F.A. Bott, Marco Borghesi, Kirk A. Flippo, William Fox, Julien Fuchs, Chikang Li, Hye-Sook Park, Fredrick H. Seguin, Petros Tzeferacos, Louise Willingale, “Proton Imaging of High-Energy-Density Laboratory Plasmas”, Reviews of Modern Physics, 95, 045007 (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.95.045007

Daniel Seipt, Alec G. R. Thomas, “Kinetic theory for spin-polarized relativistic plasmas”, Physics of Plasmas, 30, 093102 (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0165836

MJV Streeter, C Colgan, CC Cobo, et al. “Laser wakefield accelerator modelling with variational neural networks”, High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 11, e9 (2023). doi:10.1017/hpl.2022.47

M. W. von der Leyen, J. Holloway, Y. Ma, P. T. Campbell, R. Aboushelbaya, Q. Qian, A. F. Antoine, M. Balcazar, J. Cardarelli, Q. Feng, R. Fitzgarrald, B. X. Hou, G. Kalinchenko, J. Latham, A. M. Maksimchuk, A. McKelvey, J. Nees, I. Ouatu, R. W. Paddock, B. Spiers, A. G. R. Thomas, R. Timmis, K. Krushelnick, and P. A. Norreys, “Observation of Monoenergetic Electrons from Two-Pulse Ionization Injection in Quasilinear Laser Wakefields”, Physical Review Letters, 130, 105002 (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.105002

A. E. Hussein, J. D. Ludwig, Y. Ma, P.-E. Masson-Laborde, P. J. Skrodzki, J. Hinojosa, E. Peterson, I. Jovanovic, A. Maksimchuk,  J. Nees, A. G. R. Thomas, W. Rozmus, and K. Krushelnick, “Direct spectral measurements of midinfrared radiation from a laser wakefield accelerator”, Physical Review A, 106, 063505 (2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.106.063505

M. J. V. Streeter, Y. Ma, B. Kettle, S. J. D. Dann, E. Gerstmayr, F. Albert, N. Bourgeois, S. Cipiccia, J. M. Cole,  I. Gallardo González, A. E. Hussein, D. A. Jaroszynski, K. Falk,  K. Krushelnick, N. Lemos, N. C. Lopes, C. Lumsdon, O. Lundh, S. P. D. Mangles, Z. Najmudin, P. P. Rajeev, R. Sandberg, M. Shahzad,  M. Smid, R. Spesyvtsev, D. R. Symes, G. Vieux, and A. G. R. Thomas, “Characterization of laser wakefield acceleration efficiency with octave spanning near-IR spectrum measurements”, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 25, 101302 (2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.25.101302

T. Shi, D. Sun, I. Jovanovic, G. Kalinchenko, K. Krushelnick, C. C. Kuranz, A. Maksimchuk, J. Nees, A.G.R. Thomas, and L. Willingale, “Optimization of the electron beam dump for a GeV-class laser electron accelerator,” Applied Radiation and Isotopes 176, 109853 (2021).

R. J. Shalloo,  S. J. D. Dann and M. J. V. Streeter et al., “Automation and control of laser wakefield accelerators using Bayesian optimization,” Nature Communications 11, 6355 (2020).

O. E. Vais, A. G. R. Thomas, A. Maksimchuk, K. Krushelnick and V. Yu. Bychenkov.  Characterizing extreme laser intensities by ponderomotive acceleration of protons from rarified gas,” New Journal of Physics 22, 023003 (2020).

Conference Presentations


Paul T Campbell, Anatoly M Maksimchuk, John Nees, Yong Ma, Brandon K Russell, Qian Qian, Richard Anthony, Franko Bayer, Milos Burger, Nicholas P Ernst, Rebecca J Fitzgarrald, Bixue Hou, Galina Kalinchenko, Tanner Nutting, Gregg Sucha, Richard Van Camp, Lauren Weinberg, Grant Young, Qing Zhang, Igor Jovanovic, Carolyn C Kuranz, Alexander Thomas, Louise Willingale, Karl Michael Krushelnick, “ZM10.00001 : Design of zettawatt-equivalent experiments at ZEUS”, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, Georgia. October 7–11, 2024. Link: https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DPP24/Session/ZM10.1

Anatoly M Maksimchuk, John Nees, Bixue Hou, Richard Anthony, Franko Bayer, Milos Burger, Paul T Campbell, Galina Kalinchenko, Sallee Rae Klein, Yong Ma, Gregg Sucha, Richard Van Camp, Lauren Weinberg, Grant Young, Qing Zhang, Junwoo Bae, Jason A Cardarelli, Veronica Contreras, Nicholas P Ernst, Joshua L Latham, William Likes, Tanner Nutting, Igor Jovanovic, Carolyn C Kuranz, Alexander Thomas, Louise Willingale, Karl Michael Krushelnick, “PM10.00005 : Progress Report on the Commissioning of the ZEUS Facility”, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, Georgia. October 7–11, 2024. Link: https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DPP24/Session/PM10.5

Alexander Thomas, “MR01.00001 : Plasma physics in strong laser fields”, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, Georgia. October 7–11, 2024. Link: https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DPP24/Session/MR01.1

Bixue Hou, John Nees, Anatoly Maksimchuk, Galina Kalinchenko, Milos Burger, Yong Ma, Paul Campbell, Carolyn Kuranz, Igor Jovanovic, Alexander G. R. Thomas, Louise Willingale, Richard Van Camp, Gregg Sucha, Qing Zhang, Lauren Weinberg, Grant Young, Richard Anthony, and Karl Krushelnick, “3PW ZEUS at University of Michigan”, 10th International Conference on Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers, ICUIL 2024,  Cozumel Island, Mexico (September 9-13, 2024) (Invited Talk)

Louise Willingale, “The NSF ZEUS laser: A high-field user facility”, Extreme Light Workshop, Columbus OH, July 9-10, 2024.  (Invited talk)

Bixue Hou, John Nees, Anatoly Maksimchuk, Galina Kalinchenko, Yong Ma, Paul Campbell, Milos Burger, Carolyn Kuranz, Igor Jovanovic, Alexander G. R. Thomas, Louise Willingale, Richard Van Camp, Lauren Weinberg, Qing Zhang, and Karl Krushelnick, “Zetawatt Equivalent Ultrashort-pulse laser System (ZEUS) at University of Michigan”, Invited talk, International Symposium on High Power Laser Science and Engineering (HPLSE2023), Suzhou, China (Oct. 16-19, 2023) (Invited Talk)

Brandon K. Russell, Stepan S. Bulanov, Qian Qian, Sergei V. Bulanov, Gabriele M. Grittani, Daniel Seipt, Christopher Arran, Christopher P. Ridgers, Thomas Blackburn, and Alexander G. R. Thomas, “Signatures of Non-linear Compton Scattering in Scattered Angular Spectra”, Optica Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting 2023, Honolulu, Hawaii, 10–13 July 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/NLO.2023.W1B.4

Louise Willingale, “Multi-Petawatt Physics Prioritization (MP3)”, Nuclear Photonics 2023, Durham, NC, September 11-15, 2023. (Invited talk)

Louise Willingale, “The ZEUS laser user facility”, 6th European Advanced Accelerator Concepts (EAAC) 2023, September 17-23, 2023, La Biodola Bay, Isola d’Elba, Italy.

Louise Willingale, Anatoly Maksimchuk, John Nees, Franko Bayer, Miloš Burger, Paul T Campbell, Bixue Hou, Igor Jovanovic, Galina Kalinchenko, Carolyn C Kuranz, Yong Ma, Andrew McKelvey, Alexander GR Thomas, Lauren Weinberg, Qing Zhang, Karl M Krushelnick, “Status of the ZEUS laser user facility”, CLEO: Science and Innovations 2023, May7-12, 2023 (2023), San Jose, CA United States.

Louise Willingale, “Exploring plasma physics with multi-petawatt laser pulses”, SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2023, April 24-27, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.

Louise Willingale, “The High-Power Laser Facilities Research Ecosystem”, International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2022, October 19-21, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic , remote.

Louise Willingale, “The 3-Petawatt ZEUS Laser Facility”, The ECLIPSE Meeting 2022, March 9-11, 2022, Alexandria, VA.

Louise Willingale, “The 3PW NSF ZEUS user facility”, The 4th Extremely High Intensity Laser Physics Conference (ExHILP 2021), September 13-17, 2021.

Anatoly Maksimchuk, John Nees, Galina Kalinchenko, Bixue Hou, Yong Ma, Andrew McKelvey, Tan Shi, Igor Jovanovic, Carolyn Kuranz, Alexander Thomas, Louise Willingale and Karl Krushelnick, “ZEUS: A National Science Foundation mid-scale user facility for laser-driven science in the QED regime,” American Physical Society 62-th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, 9-13, 2020, remote, VP15.00002.

John Nees, Anatoly Maksimchuk, Galina Kalinchenko, Bixue Hou, Yong Ma, Andrew McKelvey, Louise Willingale, Igor Jovanovic, Carolyn Kuranz, Alexander Thomas, and Karl Krushelnick, “ZEUS: A National Science Foundation Mid-Scale Facility for Laser-Driven Science in the QED Regime,” 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA, 2020, pp. 1-2.

I. Jovanovic, G. Kalinchenko, C. Kuranz, A. Maksimchuk, J. Nees, A. G. R. Thomas, L. Willingale, K. Krushelnick,  “Zettawatt-Equivalent Ultrashort Pulse Laser System (ZEUS) at the University of Michigan” Ultrafast Optics XII, October 6–11, 2019, Brač, Croatia, TH14.6.

A. Maksimchuk, I. Jovanovic, G. Kalinchenko, C. Kuranz, Nees, A. G. R. Thomas, L. Willingale, and K. Krushelnick, “Zettawatt-Equivalent Ultrashort Pulse Laser System (ZEUS) at the University of Michigan,” American Physical Society 61-th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, October 21–25, 2019, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, YP10.00049.