User Meetings
User Groups
We are excited to announce the formation of the ZEUS User Group! Please fill out the following form to receive further announcements regarding ZEUS.
2023 ZEUS Town Hall Webinar– Facility Capabilities & Call for Proposals: November 2023
2022 ZEUS Town Hall Webinar- Call for Proposals & Facility Update: November 2022
2nd ZEUS User group webinar: Fall 2021
Thank you for participating in the webinar on 22nd November 2021 at 11am ET. If you missed the webinar, you may view the slides here, or a recording of the webinar is available below.
1st ZEUS User group webinar: Summer 2020
Thank you to all who participated in the two webinars took place on June 18, 2020 that were to introduce the ZEUS project to the community. A recording of the second of the webinars can be viewed below and the slides are available here. The ZEUS 3-PW laser is intended to operate as an NSF sponsored user facility, accepting external experiments from late 2023. A brief introduction to the project, including the preliminary design of the laser and target areas was presented.
We had many great question during the 1st webinars. Here is a compilation of the Q&As, arranged into general facility questions, target area questions and diagnostic questions.